I wanted to end my Halloween Marathon with one of my favorites, so I put on The Changeling. For one, that damned poster scarred me as a kid and is a testament to the power between a modern-day photoshop image and something done with thought.

The Changeling, with its emotive score, heart-wrenching opening scene and washed out colors, remains my favorite ghost story (yes, even above The Shining) — probably because it leaves so much to the imagination, both in the execution of the paranormal and character.

Modern film has a habit of “Disney Princess-ing” a character’s motivation by having them say out loud why they do the things they do. The Changeling‘s characters have no need to do this — it’s spoken all over the actor’s faces and actions. Even the dead boy himself isn’t one note: he’s stewed so long in negativity he doesn’t care if he hurts the ones who are trying to help him. Just a brilliant little movie with some great actors and creepy sequences.