What’s your name and age?
Jason Zimmermann. I’m 12.
So what did we watch?
The Phantom of the Paradise.
And did you ever see this movie before?
Did you like the movie?
Yes. Very much.
What was the film about?
It was about a man, Winslow, who sells his voice to the Devil, a record producer named Swann. Swann takes his songs and doesn’t credit Winslow for it. He gets William put in jail, deforms him and takes Phoenix, the girl he loves, away. But Winslow takes his revenge.
What was your favorite part or element of the movie?
When Winslow zip-lines down to the villain’s rock wedding and kicks Swan mask off and reveals his face is decrepit; that he’s trading Phoenix’ voice for immortality.
What did you think of the music?
Great! I love the song where Winslow modulated his new voice with electronics.
Who was your favorite character and why?
Winslow because he has an even sadder story than the Phantom of the Opera, and is another version of it.
What didn’t you like about the movie?
I think Winslow should have made the audience at the rock wedding more scared. Swann’s henchmen should have feared William more.
Did you like the costumes?
I really liked Winslow’s costume and mask. One eye-hole was black because his eye had been crushed and he could only see out of the other.
Do you like Brian DePalma movies?
Yes, I do.
Have you seen other DePalma movies?
Yes. The Untouchables and Carrie. I like his style and how he uses the camera.
If they remade the Phantom of the Paradise, what do you wish they would change or keep?
I think they would have it the same, but put more violence and gore into it.
If you were to grade it like it was in school, what would you give THE PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE?
An A+.

What’s your name?
Fable Zimmermann
What’s your age?
Almost 10.
Is this your first Friday the 13th movie?
Sadly, yes.
What was the movie about?
These people are at a beautiful summer camp at Camp Crystal Lake (which is sort of a stupid idea because imagine how many people have been murdered there). It’s Friday the 13th and that’s when Jason Voorhees goes on his murder spree to kill the teenagers. They all have to survive but yet he still kills lots of them. The small kids at camp are saying, “we’re dead meat”, but they should know Jason doesn’t kill kids. It ends with the girlfriend and boyfriend and all the camp kids surviving. The boyfriend survives because she saves him. The boyfriend puts a block and chain on Jason and throws him in the lake so he can stay there. But at the end of the movie, his eyes open.
What was your favorite part of the movie?
I like how Jason doesn’t just kill them, he scares them and gives them the heebie-jeebies. He doesn’t just go get the teenagers, he hides to make them think someone’s pulling a prank on them.
Were you scared?
No. Because reasons.
Aren’t you scared Jason Voorhees will be in your closet tonight?
I can play Roblox with him and become best friends with him.
Who was your favorite character?
Jason Voorhees because he has the same name as my brother.
Was the movie more funny or scary?
It was funny because I was making fun of it in my head.
What did you not like about the movie?
It’s like Jason always lives no matter what happens. They could chop off his head and he would still come back. He should get hurt more. The teenagers have to kill him and it should be fair.
Did you have a favorite special effect in the movie?
When Jason put the knife in a guy’s head, it was like play-doh.
Would you watch more Friday the 13th movies?
Yes, especially the one where Jason goes to the moon.
Who would win in a fight? Batman or Jason?
Like how would Jason get on the roofs of apartments?
Well he did go to New York in Number 8
I think Jason would murder Batman. They sort of have the same strength.
You’re sadly out of the will now. What would give FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI out of 10? 1 being very, very bad and 10 being the greatest movie ever?
A nine.