This is the second time I’ve watched DRAG ME TO HELL for my Halloween Movie Marathon. I suspect that’s the case for a lot of the movies on any of our lists during this time of year. Netflix may buy up every Tom, Dick and Nancy’s obscure horror film, but let’s face it, when it’s Christmas time, you want to hear Nat King Cole and not Lil Nas X cashing in with a seasonal album.
DRAG ME TO HELL is completely underrated. The mash-up between a cute-as-a-button (hey! pun intended!) former farm girl, cringe-inducing gore and extremely effective camera angles, lighting and sound show Sam Raimi at the top of his game. Show me someone who isn’t entertained by a talking, demonically possessed goat and I’ll show you someone who deserves to sit through UGLY DOLL — a fate that can only be compared to actually being dragged into Hell.