ROOM 237
Can’t say I was really impressed with ROOM 237, a documentary that focuses on different interpretations of Kubrick’s THE SHINING.
I have been known to fall into the trap of over-interpretation of this amazingly produced, extremely surrealistic version of Stephen King’s novel, so I could relate to the obsession of watching it over-and-over again looking for clues, but I found the doc’s format uninteresting.
Most of the interpretations I’ve read before. Some are absorbing (the spacial insanity of the Overlook); some are plausible (the Overlook is a metaphor for the massacre of First Nations); most are just fucking bonkers (The Shining was Kubrick’s confessional on his part in the moon landing hoax).
All in all, it’s a testament of how far down the rabbit hole we can go when something holds our interest, but the mixing of other images (why are we watching footage of ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN in this?) and would have helped to see the actual interviewees.