There was an article on some website that asked the reader to choose three favorite scenes from Spielberg’s filmography. That is a tough nut to crack. I love every one of the Beard’s flicks for different reasons (except maybe HOOK, let’s be honest here), whether it be for story, character, cinematography or design. But here’s my picks:
1. The Truck Chase from RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.
I watched this everyday before I’d go to school in the morning. It is the epitome of action in film. It cannot be topped and if you think otherwise, I sincerely feel pity for everyone who believes they love you.
2. The Cliffhanger sequence from THE LOST WORLD.
This movie gets a lot of shit, but good god, rewatch this sequence. It’s amazing: good guys in absolute peril and danger coming from multiple fronts; the spider-like cracking of the truck’s window; poor Richard Schiff doing his damnedest to save his pals while trying not to get eaten. Fuck this is nervewracking greatness at its best.
3. The Barb Wire sequence from WARHORSE.
Did anyone see this movie? Psychiatrists should use this film as a litmus test to make sure you actually have the full spectrum of human emotions. When the film was announced, I was an asshole and bypassed it due to ignorance (who the hell am I?). Then, you know, common sense kicked in and I saw it. And it is incredible. Especially this sequence.
Honorable Mention: the entirety of WAR OF THE WORLDS.
Every sequence in this is fascinating: the opening Tripod attack, the 360 degree camera movement around the minivan fleeing on the highway, Cruise having to let his son go, the ferry attack, Cruise having to get blood on his hands, saving his daughter in the tripod, the walk thru Philadelphia…. it is an underappreciated gem this flick.